Sunday, August 31, 2008

Silly Me

So like I mentioned in an earlier post Dighton ate a pair of socks i made well you think that would have taught me... oh no didn't happen. Last night I come home from my Friday night knitting group and continue to knit on my Fantasy Shawl... my first real lace project (with lace weight yarn) I get tired and leave it on the chair were I always leave my stuff. What was I thinking. Well I came down in the morning and it was still there great he didn't bother it... big smile. Silly me I left it there and went to work again leaving yarn and project on my 'project chair'. Fast forward N. calls me looking for his car keys (not part of the story) tell him I don't know were 'your' keys are. N follows up with you are going to be very angry with your dog... why I ask. He says you know that thing you were knitting last night. Yes I say. N says well Dighton has destroyed the yarn.... Ugh I am going to kill him.

I get home to find this mess. The good news is he didn't ruin the project at all. There is a mess of yarn he pulled of the cake however i think with a little time I will be able to save the yarn and the project.... if not this dog might be going to the pound....

1 comment:

yarnophiliac said...

oh no! I do hope it is salvageable. You know, I have discovered with my Chewie (went through tons of this with him) is that he does a lot of this because he is missing me and connects the yarn to me -- esp. the knitting, since it hs so much of my scent. There are a few things that may help his stress while you are gone. PM me if you'd like!